Don't Eat It Currently Menstrual Crams

Don't Eat It Currently Menstrual Crams

When periods come and experience stomach cramps that were very annoying for every woman because of stomach knead until the activity was limited and uncomfortable.Stomach cramps during menstruation caused by the processing of chemical substances called pro staglandins in the uterus. So that the uterus produces chemicals that help the contraction of the muscles in the uterus during menstruation.
Due to the high level of production of chemicals prostaglandin stomach ache and pain.For ye are classified among one of the many women who experience abdominal cramps resulting in pain and pain during menstruation, and so do not want to feel aches and pains again, should you need to maintain a good diet and exercise. In addition to maintaining a good diet, there are also foods that should be avoided during menstruation as follows:

1. Caffeine

For you who like to drink coffee tea, soft drinks and chocolate intake should be reduced because of drinking beverages containing caffeine can cause pain during menstruation.

2. Foods that cause constipation 

Constipation can affect abdominal pain during menstruation, avoid foods made from refined sugar and white flour. Expand to eat vegetables and fruits are good to avoid constipation.

3. Foods containing fatty acids

 Foods containing fat can cause the muscles in the abdomen at once tense and contracts uterus, these foods include meat, eggs, shellfish, dairy products, poultry and saturated fat

.4. Processed foods are dairy products 

Foods made from processed milk can also cause fluid retention and bloating. Such as soy milk products, corn, eggs and nuts.

5. Foods that contain sodium

During menstruation should avoid the intake of foods that contain sodium because it will cause bloating and fluid retention as well.Women who bloated before menstruation will feel better if reducing sodium consumption. 

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