In Indonesia, known to many diverse tribes and cultures, as well as a lot of places - places that can be visited. Not only was also in Indonesia many diverse modern and traditional cuisine are all fully available. The draw of Indonesia it is every area has food or drink as a typical characteristic of the area. As well known Indonesian traditional drink with a variety of benefits for the drinker. What is the Indonesian traditional drink that is believed to have these properties? Come, let us consider the following.
Drink ginger has been known benefits to provide a sense of warmth in specialty body current cold weather conditions. Because ginger is rich in benefits such as:
- Being able to heat the body, treating cough, reduce fever, high blood pressure, ginger also proven to expedite the flow of blood, can ease the work of the transplanted heart in pumping blood, preventing heart attacks, strokes, and able to prevent blood clots.
Bajigur including traditional Indonesian Beverage precisely from western Java, Bajigur own benefits aplenty as to prevent hypertension, cure rheumatism, digestive problems, increase appetite, regenerates the skin and many other benefits.
3. Susu Telur Madu Jahe
A drink made from a mixture of Honey and Ginger Milk Eggs is widely enjoyed, especially the lovers of traditional drinks. the efficacy of these drinks, when taken when conditions are a tired, weak and listless body, will restore power back, being able to restore power, increase immunity and can warm the body.
4. Bandrek
Efficacy of Bandrek is not much different from Bajigur Drink, Drink traditionally came from West Java is also known to have many benefits for the human body. Bandrek is very suitable to drink to warm the body because, in addition to warm the body, bandrek also have the ability to strengthen the immune system in the body of the drinker.
5. Wedang Ronde
Indonesia's traditional drink this one drunk at the time the body condition of the body feel were less fit. In order stamina in the body refreshed.
For those of you who feel less fit his condition, it would not hurt to try to exploit Indonesia's famous traditional drink a lot of benefits of this.
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