Larangan Pria Yang Tidak Disukai Wanita


Setiap pria punya cara tersendiri mengungkapkan rasa cinta dan sayangnya terhadap pasangan, tapi terkadang wanita beranggapan pria tak mengerti dengan perasaannya ketika melarang apapun yang dilakukan wanita. pria melakukan hal tersebut juga demi kebaikan si wanitanya itu tersendiri, gak sedikit wanita yang acuhkan larangan dari pasanga bahkan gak jarang juga karena tindakan tersebut bisa memicu hubungan yang tak baik,berantem dan malah berujung putus.
Terlebih lagi kalau seorang pria yang mempunyai prinsip sikap tegas maka akibatnya lebih fatal kalau sampai membantah larangannya, niat seorang pria itu melarang bukan berarti dia  egois atau merampas hak dari wanitanya tapi ini demi kebaikan wanita itu sendiri karena ingin menjaga hubungan yang utuh.

Tahu kah wanita setiap larangan pria hanya membuatnya terbelenggu saja di benaknya tersirat kemarahan,kekesalan, kebosanan,dan keegoisannya yang tak disadari oleh wanita.
Nah, berikut ini ada beberapa Larangan Pria Yang Tidak Disukai Wanita.

1. Jangan terlalu akrab denberantem dan malah berujung putus.
Terlebih lagi kalau seorang pria yang mempunyai prinsip sikap tegas maka akibatnya lebih fgan pria lain secara berlebihan.

Hati seorang pria dan wanita tak jauh berbeda ketika melihat pasangan kita berteman dengan pria/wanita lain begitu sangat akrab, dari keakraban tersebut pasti memunculkan pikiran yang negatif  terhadap pasangan. Demi menjaga pasangannya tentu dia melarang agar tidak terlalu berlebihan berteman dengan pria lainnya. So, sebagai wanita kita harus tahu batasan dalam berteman untuk menjaga perasaan pasangan kita begitupun juga pria harus melakukan hal yang sama.

2. Jangan boros

Kalau pasangan suka mengingatkan untuk tidak boros, itu hanya semata-mata agar wanita bisa hidup lebih hemat dan demi masa depan keuangannya agar tetap stabil. karena Wanita yang punya gaya hidup glamour, suka belanja, suka perawatan dan yang suka jalan-jalan terkadang wanita suka lupa cara menghargai uang dan membelanjakannya dengan baik dan benar.

3. Jangan bergaul dengan teman yang tidak baik

Seorang teman ada yang memengaruhi baik atau mempengaruhi buruk ke teman lainnya. Tergantung dari kitanya bagaimana cara memilih teman dan tahu mana teman yang memberikan kebaikan posotif atau malah sebaliknya.
Sebagai pasangan yang peduli pada wanitanya sudah tentu  melarang keras agar tidak berteman dengan orang-orang membaw keburukan atau merugikan sendiri seperti itu

4. Jangan makan dan minum terlalu berlebihan

Dalam masalah penampilan apalagi masalah berat badan wanita lebih sensitif, kalau wanita berbadan gemuk sebagai pria yang peduli sama pasangannya melarang untuk tidak makan berlebihan tujuan melarang baik juga buat pasangannya biar gak tambah gemuk lagi. tapi kebanyakan wanita salah menanggapinya.

5.  Jangan melakukan kebiasaan buruk
Setiap orang mempunyai kebiasaan buruk dan juga punya kebiasaan baik, yang dilakukan tanpa mengenal waktu dan tempat. untuk menghentikan kebiasaan tersebut tergantung dari orangnya itu sendiri, tapi dengan seiring bertambahnya usia perlahan pasti akan meninggalkan kebiasaan buruk tersebut.

Apakah salah, jika seorang pria melarang yang seperti itu? Padahal itu hanya demi kebaikan dari pasangannya.

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Tanda-tanda perilaku pria yang membuat wanita menderita

Sebelumnya saya sudah membahas tentang Tanda-tanda perilaku pria yang tidak menghargai wanita. seperti halnya Dalam membina suatu hubungan entah itu dalam pacaran atau hubungan suami istri sudah tentu ada suka dan dukanya, disaat itulah hubungan yang dijalin dengan pasangan merupakan sebuah tantangan  seperti  sejauh mana kita bisa menghadapinya,sejauh mana kita bisa melawan ego, dan sejauh mana kita mampu bertahan atau mempertahan kan pasangan, itulah lika liku dalam hubungan, dari sekian banyak wanita yang mengeluhkan tentang pria yaitu sikap egois pasangannya yang tanpa disadari seorang pria akan membuat hati wanita merasa menderita.

Kenalilah lebih dalam dulu tentang perilaku pasangan kita, agar kita merasa nyaman dalam menjalani hubungan, jangan terburu-buru dalam memutuskan siapa yang bakal jadi pasangan kita. tanpa kita ketahui perilakunya. Nah, berikut ini ada beberapa Tanda-tanda perilaku pria yang membuat wanita merasa menderita baginya.

1. Berbohong 

Apakah pria tahu kalau wanita bisa membenci seorang pria bila tahu berbohong padanya. Ingat ya, insting wanita lebih tajam dari pada belati..!!!karena wanita melakukan segala sesuatu pakai hatinya bukan pakai logika tapi kalau pria kebalikannya.
jadilah sosok pria yang bertanggung jawab untuk pasangan tak perlu berbohong karena dengan kebohongan yang dilakukan pasti wanita merasa tidak dihargai dan merasa dipermainkan.

2. Male Ego 

Male ego menurut arti ilmu psikologi
menceritakan tentang pria yang mempunyai sifat egoisme yang semena-mena dan mau menang sendiri, hingga memberikan kesan citra yang negatif.
Sebagai seorang pria yang punya jiwa rasional tentunya bisa mengetahui kemauan pasangannya bahkan bisa memperbaiki dan mengerti apapun keinginan wanita atau yang  tidak disukai oleh wanita.

2. Pelit Dan Perhitungan
Tak dipungkiri lagi wanita mempunyai sifat matre,tapi tergantung dari wanitanya itu sendiri ada  yang bisa menempatkan diri dari sifat matre kepada pasangannya tapi ada juga yang secara terang-terangan meminta inilah itulah sama pasangannya.sudah jadi realitanya seorang wanita tidak lepas dari materi, karena sudah kewajiban seorang pria untuk memenuhi kebutuhan materi pasangannya.
Gak kebayang kan kalau pria mengungkit-ungkit pemberian yang sudah diberikannya dulu pada wanita, Hmmm...kayaknya kalau gak ikhlas ngasih sesuatu itu ya mendingan gak usah ngasih donk..!! dari pada membuat hati wanita sakit hati.
Seorang pria bukan saja yang mampu memenuhi salah satu kewajibannya, tapi juga mengerti keinginan wanita. berarti sudah membuat wanita merasa senang. tapi jangan sampai sebagai pria yang perhitungan dan pelit karena sama saja membuat wanita merasa menderita, mungkin merasa tidak percaya Sebenarnya siapa yang pantas hitung menghitung wanita atau pria ?

3. Kasar dan tenperamental

Sudah jadi kodratnya wanita diciptakan sebagai makhluk yang lemah, dan tugasnya dari seorang pria diciptakan untuk melindungi wanita, janganlah sekali-kali melakukan kekerasan atau berbuat kasar terhadap wanita apalagi sampai main tangan. Jangan sampai dech...!!!

4. Selingkuh dan mata keranjang
Sebagai seorang wanita ingin menjadi yang pertama dihati pasangannya dan tidak merelakan kalau hati pasangannya berbagi dengan wanita lain, dalam hal ini wanita mempunyai sifat egois karena tak mau yang menjadi miliknya terbagi. tapi terkadang pria tak mengerti apa alasannya sehingga harus mencari dan membagi hatinya untuk wanita lain, seorang pria yang tidak bisa menjaga kesetiaannya sama juga tak menghargai pasangannya. bahkan wanita membencinya kalau diperlakukan seperti itu. apalagi kalau sampai pria mempunyai sifat mata keranjang sifat seperti itu lebih dominan berbuat selingkuh, wajar kalau seorang pria mempunyai rasa ketertarikan terhadap wanita lain tapi kalau bisa jangan dilakukan apalagi sampai menunjukan terang-terangan kepada pasangan.

5. Tidak Romantis Dan cuek

Sebagian wanita tak mementingkan pasangannya itu harus romantis atau tidak, yang diinginkan wanita cuma si pria mau memanjakan dan menyayanginya untuk mengungkapkannya si pria ga perlu bawa bunga atau melakukan sesuatu, sebaiknya ucapakan kata-kata cinta  yang membuat pasangan kita bahagia.

 6. Tidak Tegas

Seorang pria bakal menjadi kepala keluarga jadi dibutuh kan pria yang mempunyai sikap tegas dalam hal apapun, ketegasan bekaitan dengan rasa tanggung jawab. wanita juga gak mau kan kalau mempunyai pasangan yang tidak punya pendirian.

Nah, untuk wanita harap pintar-pintar dalam memilih pasangan dan harus bisa mengetahui perilaku dari orang yang mau dijadikan pasangan.

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Tanda-tanda perilaku pria yang tidak menghargai wanita

Wanita akan merasa luluh hatinya saat ada yang mengajak serius menjalani hubungan meskipun bukan sosok pria yang diinginkannya, Seorang wanita juga pasti mencoba membuka hatinya untuk menjalani hubungan itu. namun terkadang banyak hambatan yang harus dilalui oleh wanita ketika menjalin hubungan yang sudah lama malah si pria membuat masalah dalam hubungan, kebanyakan pria melakukan berbagai cara yang membuat wanita merasa tidak dihargai sebagai pasangannya.
Padahal, ketika wanita sudah diajak serius, pasti dia akan percaya dan berharap 100% ke prianya.

Seorang pria yang mempunyai komitmen dalam hubungan dengan wanitanya sudah tentu pria tidak akan melukai hati pasangannya.

Sebagai wanita harus teliti dalam memilih pasangan, bukan berarti ada orang yang mengajak serius, terus kita harus percaya gitu aja. I Say No..!!! jadilah seorang wanita pintar dalam memilih pasangan kalau kita tidak mau merasakan sakit hati oleh pasangan kita nanti, inilah beberapa Ciri-ciri Tanda-tanda perilaku  pria yang tidak bisa menghargai wanita yang harus diketahui.

1. Masih meladeni wanita lain

Godaan terbesar seorang pria dalam menjalankan hubungan adalah saat didekati wanita lain,banyak pria menganggap ini masih sebatas wajar tapi kalau sering melakukan hal itu nanti malah jadi keasyikan. mungkin bagi seorang pria akan sulit menolak ajakan dari wanita lain,tapi kalau pria serius yang berkomitmen dengan pasangannya pasti bisa menolak ajakan wanita lain demi menjaga hati dan perasaaan pasangannya. karena awalnya cuma formalitas meladeni wanita lain biasa saja tapi ujung-ujungnya malah bikin baper.

2. Pria akan tetap melakukan apapun yang tidak disukai pasangannya.

Kalau tipe pria seperti ini apapun keluhan dari wanitanya cuma dianggap angin lalu, dalam hubungan itu kita pasti mengetahui hal-hal yang di sukai dan tidak disukai oleh pasangan kita. sudah jadi kewajaran untuk saling memberi kritik atau saran apapun itu yang menurut kita suka atau tidak suka terhadap pasangan, dan seharusnya bagi setiap pasangan harus bisa menerima kritikan atau saran dari pasangannya. yang jadi masalahnya itu biasanya si pria tidak mau dikritik sama pasangannya,padahal kan itu sebagai ungkapan dari wanita supaya bisa merasakan nyaman menjalin hubungan dengan pasangan. kalau si pria masih tetap tidak respek berarti itu sudah menjadi salah satunya tipe pria yang tak bisa menghargai pasangannya.

3. Ucapan pria tidak bisa dipegang.
Yang dikatakan sebagai pria sejati itu pria yang bisa menepati janji yang diucapakannya. bukannya ngobral janji sana-sini yang gak jelas. Kalau Tipe pria seperti ini walaupun sudah bilang janji tidak akan mengulangi atau mau berubah itu hanya cuma alasan untuk menenangkan wanitanya saja.setelah itu dia mengulanginya lagi dengan santai dan cuek terhadap perasaan pasangannya.

4. Saat menghadapi masalah dengan pasangan,pria memanfaatkan wanita lain sebagai pelarian.
Sudah nggak aneh lagi kalau pria suka mencari wanita lain disaat masalah datang dengan pasangan, mungkin cuma itu yang bisa melupakan masalahnya,padahal yang dilakukannya itu telah menyakiti perasaan hati pasangannya. menghindar dari masalah dengan pasangan itu sangat tidak baik sekali dalam menjalin hubungan seharusnya masalah itu diselesaikan bersama pasangan , jangan jadikan masalah sebagai pelarian pria untuk menghubungi wanita lain apalagi sampai diajak ketemuan hati wanita yang gak hancur karena ini.
[ baca juga tentang Tanda-tanda perilaku pria yang membuat wanita menderita ]

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The Benefits Spinach for Health and Beauty

Spinach, originating from tropical America today spinach grows in many parts of Southeast Asia that are precisely in Indonesia. Spinach is a type of green vegetables have different characteristics but similar efficacy and its benefits. much The nutritional content contained in spinach as calcium, protein, iron, vitamins A and C, folic acid, magnesium, flavonoids and much more.

Consuming spinach is good for health and beauty, what is the benefit of spinach is that? Let us consider the following.

• Benefits of Spinach for beauty

- Can prevent aging self

- To soften and moisturize the skin

- Can prevent dry skin

- Keeping the body in order to stay slim

- Make the face shine and not pale

• Benefits of Spinach to health

- Can aid the digestive tract

- Eliminates fatigue

- To prevent cancer cells

- Maintain eye health

- Can prevent myopia and cataracts

- Maintain bone health

- Treat sick anemia

In addition to the benefits of which are summarized above spinach is also very good for nursing mothers because of their content of iron, calcium magnesium and so help meet the nutritional needs of the milk quality

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5 Benefit Of Traditional Drink In Indonesia

In Indonesia, known to many diverse tribes and cultures, as well as a lot of places - places that can be visited. Not only was also in Indonesia many diverse modern and traditional cuisine are all fully available. The draw of Indonesia it is every area has food or drink as a typical characteristic of the area. As well known Indonesian traditional drink with a variety of benefits for the drinker. What is the Indonesian traditional drink that is believed to have these properties? Come, let us consider the following.

1. wedang Jahe

Drink ginger has been known benefits to provide a sense of warmth in specialty body current cold weather conditions. Because ginger is rich in benefits such as:
- Being able to heat the body, treating cough, reduce fever, high blood pressure, ginger also proven to expedite the flow of blood, can ease the work of the transplanted heart in pumping blood, preventing heart attacks, strokes, and able to prevent blood clots.

2. Bajigur

Bajigur including traditional Indonesian Beverage precisely from western Java, Bajigur own benefits aplenty as to prevent hypertension, cure rheumatism, digestive problems, increase appetite, regenerates the skin and many other benefits.

3. Susu Telur Madu Jahe

A drink made from a mixture of Honey and Ginger Milk Eggs is widely enjoyed, especially the lovers of traditional drinks. the efficacy of these drinks, when taken when conditions are a tired, weak and listless body, will restore power back, being able to restore power, increase immunity and can warm the body.

4. Bandrek

Efficacy of Bandrek is not much different from Bajigur Drink, Drink traditionally came from West Java is also known to have many benefits for the human body. Bandrek is very suitable to drink to warm the body because, in addition to warm the body, bandrek also have the ability to strengthen the immune system in the body of the drinker.

5. Wedang Ronde

Indonesia's traditional drink this one drunk at the time the body condition of the body feel were less fit. In order stamina in the body refreshed.

For those of you who feel less fit his condition, it would not hurt to try to exploit Indonesia's famous traditional drink a lot of benefits of this.

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Efficacy and Pare Benefit For Body Health

Efficacy and Pare Benefit For Body Health

Efficacy and Pare Benefit For Body Health - Pare is one vegetable that has a bitter taste, most people do not like vegetables because it was bitter melon. However, if like consuming pare the many benefits that we can get. the bitter taste has a myriad of benefits and rewards.
Pare vegetables can be consumed in addition to food vegetable bitter melon can also be used as an herbal medicine in the community.Here are some of the properties and pare benefits for health.

1. For DiabetesPare it can treat people affected  diabetes, according to a study said vegetable bitter melon is very effective drugs for reducing blood glucose levels in animals and humans.

2. Against CancerThe content contained in vegetable bitter melon can be used to control the development of types of cancer cells. In 2000 the researchers tested the ability of a substance of bitter melon against cancer cells, especially breast cancer

3. Eliminate Symptoms of Hemorrhoidsbitter melon can help treat hemorrhoids right on. This is due to inflammation of the blood flow in the lower part of the rectum or anus. It is also the root of bitter melon can also be made into a paste used to treat hemorrhoids.

4. Reduces Pain Itching InfectionsBy consuming pare every morning before eating, blood flow can be free from fungal infection so that it can to reduce the itching of infected skin wounds. Pare also has the ability to clean the blood.

5. Treating Respiratory ConditionsPare also be used to treating a variety of respiratory problems. Among them is to treat respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, and rhinitis. Use it at night before bed

6. Helps eyesightWith the levels of beta-carotene in pare benefits to help deal with eye problems.

7. Good for DigestionPare has a quality that can eliminate intestinal problems if used regularly.

8. For a Healthy DietBenefit for the Diet to diet for paring pare can be used to burn excess calories and reduce fat in the abdomen. Experts have recommended bitter melon juice to burn fat in the body.
Pare, it is rich in benefits but it can also be used to treat skin diseases such as eczema, other benefits of bitter melon is to help keep the skin to shine and prevent acne.

9. Against HIV / AIDS

HIV / AIDS is a disease that is feared to have been horrified to hear ?? Moreover, to the disease.Glycoprotein beta-mo morcha rin in bitter melon helps to inhibit the synthesis of macromolecules in splenocytes, embryonic and tumor cells. This protein helps to inhibit HIV by disabling the ribosomes in cells infected with HIV by preventing protein synthesis and ultimately kills cells that are contaminated.

Well, the details above are the benefits of vegetable bitter melon, although the taste is bitter but rich in virtue and benefits, from now try to consume pare and feel properties.

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The benefits cassavas

The benefits cassavas

The benefits cassavas - In Indonesia, cassava from brazil and in the 16th century was first introduced by the portuguese. Then in 1810 cassava grown in the region of Indonesia. Until now cassava into food that has spread throughout Indonesia

Similar Cassava tubers that can be made a variety of tasty foods favored by Indonesia.
In addition, cassava as a substitute for rice. Because it contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B9, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, niacin, pyridoxine, thiamin, riboflavin, manganese, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc.

In addition to cassava as a food that tastes good and many nutrients contained therein, here are some info cassava for health benefits.

1. Good Consumed By Diabetics
People with diabetes are encouraged to eat cassava rather than eat rice. due cassava does not contain sugar so safely consumed by diabetics.

2. For a Low-Fat Diet
For those of you who can also consume more dietary cassava to substitute rice, despite the high carbohydrate content but cassava is a food low in fat and low in cholesterol. So, do not be afraid to fail on a diet after consuming boiled cassava.

3. Prevent and Overcome Anemia
The component content of minerals, including iron contained in cassava role to assist in the formation of red blood cells so that the body avoid the problem of anemia or lack of blood.

4. Source of Energy
The content of cassava starch has 2 times more than potatoes so it can be as a food substitute for rice as well as an energy booster thanks to their source of complex carbohydrates.

5. Increase Appetite
Cassava has the content of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that act to increase appetite.

6. Streamlining Digestive System
Yams are fiber whose role is to facilitate the digestive system, so it is safe and healthy to eat and will also avoid the problem of digestive disorders like constipation, hemorrhoids, flatulence, constipation, etc.

In spite of it all, cassava also has side effects if taken in excess. Because the roots are toxic cyanogenic cassava, methyl linamarin and compounds containing glycoside linamarin. The content of these toxins can make people experience when consuming excessive cyanide poisoning. The toxicity is more common in parts of the outer skin. To eliminate these toxins, be sure to peel the skin have to clean and boil in water containing salt and vinegar.

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Honey is rich in good stead for the body and for beauty

Honey Is Rich In Good Stead For The Body And For Beauty

Honey is rich in good stead for the body and for beauty, usefulness is not in doubt. Drink honey in the morning to meet the nutrients needed by the body for activity.
In addition to the physical health of honey is also very good for beauty properties of the resulting honey we need to know the following:

1. Moisturizers

Honey has a soft texture, the content of which in the honey is able to moisturize dry skin will look fresh again. The way to use honey for a face mask combined with other mask material and Honey also can redden the lips naturally, do simply applied on the lips at night before going to bed and feel the results.

2. Facial Cleanser

Besides being able to moisturize the skin, honey is also effective as a facial cleanser to whiten skin naturally. The trick Simply mixes honey with lemon and egg white as a face mask, use the mixture over the face to the neck, then rinse with warm water.

3. Acne Medication

Got a stubborn pimple or acne scars are hard to lose, how to solve it simply by using honey as antioxidants contained in honey can treat acne effectively. Simply apply pure honey on the acne spot, let sit for a few minutes, rinse with warm water and do regularly Wait and see the results safer and more natural than the acne medications sold in the market.

4. Remove dead skin cells

Honey is also beneficial to remove dead skin so the skin free from dullness.
The trick Mix honey with milk powder and pure essential oils, then rub on the body. Honey Scrub will remove dead skin cells and regenerate back and the body will feel more refreshed.

5. Hair Nutrition

In addition to the face and body skin, honey can also serve as a natural conditioner for the hair or mask. Simply mix the honey with olive oil, stir to blend, then spread evenly on the hair from the skin to the tip. Rinse clean by using shampoo.

That's some of the benefits of honey for beauty. If there is honey in the house, you can try and feel the benefits from the properties of honey.

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The easy way to shrink pores

The easy way to shrink pores

 The easy way to shrink pores - Having a porous face of it is pretty annoying, the face looks like an orange peel to Appear to look dull and not well maintained. It is also Unsightly apart.
Ladies, do not know why we face has large pores? Cause excess facial skin is oily, dirty skin, age and sun exposure for the activities outside all day.

 To the which have large pores do not worry here are some tips that ladies can do to Prevent the pores of the face as follows:

1. Care in a natural way
To Prevent the emergence of large pores, it does not have to go to a salon or a doctor who needs expensive cost. By means of natural ingredients such as cucumber, tomato, papaya, egg whites, baking soda, lemon juice, and oatmeal can also be used for face masks, let Perform routine maximum results.

2. Avoid sunlight

For frequent e activities outside daytime wear a hat or umbrella to protect skin from direct sunlight. Also use a sunblock or cream to keep the skin moist and protected from the sun.

3. The combination of cold water and warm water
When ladies wash your face using warm water Because It opens the pores so that the dirt on the facelifted, after that wash the face with soap or other facial cleansers, for rinsing, use cold water to close the pores are open.

4. Clean oily
Do not let the oily pile up, wipe with the tissue or wash the face. Make a habit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as avoiding eating fried foods and drink plenty of water.

5. Routine cleaning the face
Dirt piled up too long will make a small pore face that had Become open. The more open the Easier will be dirt in the face. As a result, the pores of the face the growing to Become Increasingly difficult, to be given treatment.

Good luck easy ways above yes, ladies! Facial skin care as early as possible in order to reduce skin problems in the future later. Remember, increasing age, the problem of facial skin Also will be more complex.

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Don't Eat It Currently Menstrual Crams

Don't Eat It Currently Menstrual Crams

When periods come and experience stomach cramps that were very annoying for every woman because of stomach knead until the activity was limited and uncomfortable.Stomach cramps during menstruation caused by the processing of chemical substances called pro staglandins in the uterus. So that the uterus produces chemicals that help the contraction of the muscles in the uterus during menstruation.
Due to the high level of production of chemicals prostaglandin stomach ache and pain.For ye are classified among one of the many women who experience abdominal cramps resulting in pain and pain during menstruation, and so do not want to feel aches and pains again, should you need to maintain a good diet and exercise. In addition to maintaining a good diet, there are also foods that should be avoided during menstruation as follows:

1. Caffeine

For you who like to drink coffee tea, soft drinks and chocolate intake should be reduced because of drinking beverages containing caffeine can cause pain during menstruation.

2. Foods that cause constipation 

Constipation can affect abdominal pain during menstruation, avoid foods made from refined sugar and white flour. Expand to eat vegetables and fruits are good to avoid constipation.

3. Foods containing fatty acids

 Foods containing fat can cause the muscles in the abdomen at once tense and contracts uterus, these foods include meat, eggs, shellfish, dairy products, poultry and saturated fat

.4. Processed foods are dairy products 

Foods made from processed milk can also cause fluid retention and bloating. Such as soy milk products, corn, eggs and nuts.

5. Foods that contain sodium

During menstruation should avoid the intake of foods that contain sodium because it will cause bloating and fluid retention as well.Women who bloated before menstruation will feel better if reducing sodium consumption. 

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The Benefits Coffee For Skin

  The Benefits Coffee For Skin

The Benefits Coffee For Skin - 8 out of 10 adults have the habit of drinking coffee. in addition, to drink the coffee drowsiness also
has other benefits for skin health and beauty. Because coffee contains substances in the form of carbohydrates,glycosides, minerals, amino acids, protein, caffeine, aliphatic acid / carboxylic acids, trig online, chlorogenic acid and many others.
Besides being able to nourish the body, all the copied content contained also has the ability to nourish the skin because coffee has benefits, especially for the skin.SPA place and salon facials have much use of materials coffee to the face mask because the benefits of coffee for facial skin has been proven.Here are some of the benefits of coffee for beauty skin.

1. To get rid of acne
Overcoming a pimpled face we can use coffee grounds to scrub for acne on the face dries quickly and avoid the problem of inflammatory acne. Usually, the problem of acne was caused because of excessive oily to cope try using coffee grounds to scrub the face.

2. Eliminate blackheads face
Someone who has oily besides prone to acne are also vulnerable to the appearance of blackheads, to eliminate the problem of blackheads use coffee grounds for a face mask on a regular basis.

3. Disguise black stain face
The benefits  are from coffee grounds to a face mask capable exfoliate dead skin and black blemishes due to acne scars and dark spots on the face.

4. To brighten the skin
 In coffee there is the content of anti-oxidants that functions to lift dead skin cells from the sun and the effects of free radicals. By wearing a mask of coffee grounds on a regular basis can help brighten the face and looks dull due to a day of activities outside the home.

5. Control oil on the face
Another benefit of the coffee grounds hereinafter that can control the oil content in the face of excessive so that the face is slightly damp, clean and free of acne.

6. Decrease the pores
Usually due to the appearance of pimples and blackheads due to blockage of pores on the face by the dirt and the excretion of excess fat. To avoid the appearance of acne and blackheads use coffee grounds as a face mask on a regular basis.

7. Smooth the skin
 Many of the benefits of coffee as a mask facial skin care naturally moisturize the skin but can also smooth the skin and many more of the benefits contained in coffee for the treatment of facial skin naturally.How to use coffee grounds mask The trick is easy enough,

Use pure coffee grounds or coffee grounds are not mixed with sugar, add water and then apply on the face do massage or rub it gently on your face, leave about 20-25 minutes, then rinse using facial soap and clean water. The coffee mask can also be made by mixing coffee grounds pure with honey, egg white or olive oil.To obtain maximum results, use scrubs and masks coffee 2-3 times a week, certainly, original and pure coffee is not mixed with any material. Many manufacturers do mix other substances in coffee only to minimize costs.

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